Some Exchange Outlook Clients Keep Getting a Continuous Updating Address Book
You may have to restart your Exchange File Distribution Service on your Exchange server.
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I had the same issue, I don't handle the exchange server, I ended up leaving the "cached mode" checkmark box unchecked and have had no issues. Unless you have a need for it I would uncheck it.
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Gondor81, why do I have to restart it? The address book does get updated, it just doesn't show the updated version in cached mode.
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Here whenever setting up outlook we just do not use cached exchange mode. Keeps it running smoothly.
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What happens if you try to download it manually, does it update or error out?
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if that doesn't work, you can try to force the update to all computers on the network with these power-shell commands
Get-GlobalAddressList | update-GlobalAdressList
Get-AddressList | update-AddressList
Get-OfflineAddressBook | Update-OfflineAddressBook
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Closing Outlook and deleting the client's OAB (Offline Address Book) files (located in either \%AppData%\Local\Microsoft\Outlook\Offline Address Books for Outlook 2010 or the *.OAB files in \%AppData%\Local\Microsoft\Outlook\ for Outlook 2007) will fix this for the client. Restart Outlook and that will pull a fresh set of contacts from the GAL to effectively rebuild the OAB on the client.
The "Download Full Address Book" option in the Send/Receive drop down menu in Outlook is meant to force the client to update the local address book from exchange too - but I've never had any great success with that function.
Wouldnt mind knowing the underlying cause from an Exchange POV, but just dont have the time to investigate it and when we've come across it it's usually just one person asking for it.
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Sushi, In discussing this, let me say that I am talking about Exchange 2k3. We are moving to 2010 in a few months but we've encountered similar issues and if I'm not mistaken, the best solution I've discovered comes in two parts: first part is client side (Outlook) and that is to disable cached mode. That is typically intended for users that do not have a constant network connection and do not receive GAL updates frequently (presumably on the every 12-24 hour default schedule set by the Exchange server). We have found a few other benefits from disabling cached mode as well. The second part is on your Exchange server, right-click and run "Update Now" on the Recipient Update Service (you should have two entries there-one for the 'enterprise' and one for your actual domain name) on the right-hand pane of each item. That forces the RUS to poll your AD servers (global catalog servers) for changes and publishes them to the GAL, then that is pushed down to the clients (Outlook) automagically since they are not in cached mode and voila, all the new changes should be represented. However, if you are having issues with certains things NOT showing in cached mode, Matt is right: your best bet is to blow away the existing OAB and force a fresh d'load of the OAB. But I strongly discourage cached mode for any system that has a constant or relatively constant network connection (MS supports this as well). It is intended only for certain circumstances. Hope this helps!
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Just to clarify, the address book does get updated both automatically and manually with no errors. The problem is that the resulting updates aren't displayed in cached mode, they only show with cached mode disabled. I will try deleting the local OAB file, and I have a suspicion that it will work. Unfortunately, this isn't a practical solution when dealing with hundreds of users :(
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You could alter the login script to delete the OAB when their computer is logging then they will be forced to get a new copy and you wont be running around trying to fix everyone.
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Well, I found the root cause of my issue. It turns out that earlier this month the Microsoft Exchange File Distribution service stopped running on our CAS server. I restarted it and ran the following command to initiate the update: Update-FileDistributionService - Identify <insert your CAS server hostname>.
More about this solution: http:/
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@ Sean4135. This is an option but know that this will add more traffic on your LAN.
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@ Sushi my MS EXchange file distribution was not stopped but Update-FileDistributionService - Identity <CAS name> did work.
However I have to do this EACH AND EVERY TIME I make changes to the GAL now!
This behaviour only started in the last month or so and this Exchange 2010 installation has been running for about 3 years now.
It seems that now I have to bookmark this page and use it every time I update the GAL. Uncool.
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1. Go into Outlook then go to the SEND/RECEIVE tab, 3rd tab from the top left corner of Outlook program.
2. Click on the down drop arrow for the "send/receive groups", the offline address book will pop up.
3. Uncheck the tick box from the "download changes since last send/receive, OK then close Outlook & open again.
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Thx a lot for this tread, this help me to figure out my bug.
In my case the solution are not mention in your tread.
Here what I did to identify the root cause.
First, with a Exchange snap in I ran the following command to know the details about my OABVirtualDirectory:
Then, I tested all the internal Urls and I found one Url with error 500.
This mean a permission problem on the folder where the user download the GAL.
So I loggin into the servers in RDP and I follow this tread:
Whis this will help!
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